What impossible prayers are you praying that only God can answer? Come into His presence with boldness and confidence in His power. He roars! Amen? Let’s start to pray like it. Ladies, we pray in the name of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, who does not purr like a soft kitty cat. I wonder what He would call our generation? I wonder if He would call us faithless? That’s what we need to do, “Father I believe, help my unbelief.” And be bold in our prayers.ĭuring His earthly ministry, Jesus called the people a faithless generation. You remember the next thing he did? He said, “I believe, help my unbelief.” And Jesus did. He replied, “If you can, all things are possible for the one who believes.”Īnd so, the dad begged Jesus. If I can help? If I have compassion? Can I help you?" His prayer request started out like this, “If You can do anything, have compassion and help us.” To which Jesus’ reply to the man probably looking at the man like I’m looking at you right now. But when the dad saw Jesus, he went to Jesus. He had asked the disciples if they could cast out this demon that was causing him to be mute and to have these convulsions, and the disciples had no success with that. That reminds me of the father of the mute son that was having convulsions in Mark 9. I know I’ve already talked to You about this, but I am back. Some of us tend to approach the Lord rather timidly, “God if You have time, I know You’re busy,” so many people are praying. Leslie: Number five: “kitty cat prayers.” Leslie is back with us again today picking up with two more obstacles to powerful prayer. If you missed those, you can find them at or on the Revive Our Hearts app, or wherever you listen to podcasts. She talked about the me-centered prayer, the earthly-centered prayer, the dirty hands prayer, and the zippy prayer.

Do you feel like there is standing in the way of your prayer life? Is something keeping you from drawing close to the Lord in authenic, passionate prayer? Yesterday we heard from my longtime friend and Revive Our Hearts staff member Leslie Bennett about four important obstacles that keep us from powerful prayer. I know I need this fresh emphasis in my own life. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth : We're talking about prayer most of this month here on Revive Our Hearts. I’m Dannah Gresh along with our host, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, co-author of Seeking Him. Leslie Bennett: Would I pray differently if I knew that Jesus was coming back next week or next month? Would I pray with more urgency and fervency? Would you?ĭannah: This is the Revive Our Hearts podcast for April 28, 2023. Dannah Gresh: Are you making time for prayer? Here’s Leslie Bennett.